Main Features:
1. Track recording for your hiking or biking tours
o Follow your saved tracks forwards and backwards
o Import / export GPX & KML tracks
o View your track height-, and speed profile
o replay the track on a map
2. Shows distance and direction to any point of interest you did create
or choose a location in the famous location list
3. 3D-augmented reality compass if you tap the compass on the main screen
!!LocFinder runs in background. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life!!
* Use of Google Earth KML or GPX paths in LocFinder:
-generate a path or a location and save it as *.kml (Google Earth) or *.gpx file to your computer
-attach this file to an email and send it to the iPhone
-open the email with with your iPhone, press long on the file you want to use in LocFinder. Choose /Open in "LocFinder"/.
-LocFinder will automatically import the path or location.
* Export paths or locations:
-just send the path or location to yourself via email and open it with Google Earth or any GPX viewer.
* Accepted WGS84 formats:
->50 23 45N for 50° 23 45" N
->50 23.48N for 50° 23.48 N
->50.1345 for 50.1345° north -> south & west with a minus